Space Science Art Competition
Step 1: Registration
All the participants should be register in the Nex-Cloud Form.
Registration link is here:
Step 2: Registration Number
All the registered participants will receive the Registration number through your registered Email ID. (If you do not received registration number within a Day kindly send a mail to us: )
Step 3: Art work Submission
Only registered participants will be considered for the competition.
Submit scanned copy of your Art work to this Email ID:
All the art work must contain your Registration Number and Your Full Name (Without registration number your art work will not be considered for evaluation).
Only one art work can be submitted by a person.
Submitted designs must be original idea.
Submission after the deadline will not be entertained.
The decision of the evaluation committee will be final.
- All the participants will be awarded participation Certificate
- The winner of each category will be selected to visit ISRO Once the pandemic crisis is over*.
- Sub Junior Category:
Winner: Pocket Telescope + Merit Certificate
Runner: Augmented Reality Cards + Merit Certificate - Junior Category:
Winner: 8x40M Comet view Binocular + Merit Certificate
Runner: Augmented Reality Cards + Merit Certificate - Senior category:
Winner: Astronomical Refractor Telescope
Runner: Foldscope (Foldable Microscope)
(*The visiting procedure will be initiated once the ISRO is open for the visitors.)